
Sarah Robb

Topics in Literature

Professor Benander

October 2, 2012


The Odyssey has one true traditional hero, this character is clearly Odysseus. However, his wife Penelope has a heroic aspect as well, which is shown directly in the text as we;; as implied. Her heroic qualities include her cleverness, her ability to keep her suitors at bay. They both react heroically to the trials they face throughout Odysseus’ journey.
Odysseus was faced with many trials, including gods, monsters, and other extremely difficult life or death situations. Odysseus had to fight off these terrible monsters, much like the way his wife held off the suitors in order to be with Odysseus. Odysseus also had to care for his men which was heroic in itself. This act of heroism for Odysseus very much compares to Penelope’s trial of raising their son, Telemachus, without any help from her traveling husband.
Keeping the household together was not an easy task for Penelope. She had to find a way to hold off her suitors so she could hold tight to the hope of her husband still being alive and on his way home. She had to raise her son as a queen without a king. She had to go to great lengths to fend off her many suitors. She deceived the men with her shroud for Odysseus. Every night she would undo that days work. The trickery seemed to be working, “Three whole years [she] deceived them blind, seduced them with this scheme” (Fagles 395). Her cleverness bought her the time she wanted in order to wait for her husband. Her clever mind is one of her most heroic traits.
Penelope is a grieving, yet hopeful woman. In this way she greatly appeals to an audience. Her persistence in waiting, even though she had many suitors, is a heroic trait that an American audience could relate with. Even though Penelope was not informed that her husband was indeed alive, it is implied she had some knowledge that he was.
Penelope and Odysseus are similar in that they both are extremely hopeful throughout all their trials. They both do whatever possible to reach their ultimate boon. I think this is a huge reason Penelope is a great hero. She waited for Odysseus, kept the suitors at bay, and was extremely clever with her methods, much like Odysseus on his journey home.

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